Chu Chun-leung, 44, finds it hard to get excited about Donald Tsang Yam-kuen's chief executive campaign
I do not find reports about Donald Tsang Yam-kuen interesting. They all discuss his daily life, but I guess there is nothing new reporters can write about him. Everybody knows he is the next chief executive.
I think the success of Hong Kong has always been down to our hard work, but not the quality of our government.
I hope Mr Tsang will replace those government officials who are incapable and have made mistakes.
Former chief executive Tung Chee-hwa was too lenient when dealing with his top officials. He always seemed to let those who made mistakes resign instead of firing them. They were able to leave their jobs with dignity, and their pension safe in their pockets.
I'm sure Mr Tung does not run his family business well, because he is too protective of the elderly workers in his father's company.