Hundreds of thousands of mobile phone users will receive messages from Friends of the Earth this summer urging them to set their air conditioners to 25 degrees Celsius.
The environmental group has joined forces with mobile phone companies Hutchison and Sunday in a move to relieve the city of its reputation for having the coldest offices in the world.
Sunday will remind its 660,000 customers four times to turn up the air conditioners, while Hutchison will send a message in batches of 30,000 to its 270,000 customers.
The message reads: 'Save energy and set your air con at 25C - a comfortable, energy-efficient temperature (From Friends of the Earth - HK)'.
The messaging is part of the group's 'Don't Be Cold, Be Cool' campaign aimed at raising awareness of Hong Kong's tendency to turn down the air conditioner and dress up to fight the cold.
A study by Polytechnic University showed 90 per cent of the city's offices averaged between 21 degrees and 23 degrees. Some offices were as cold as 17 degrees.