Product: Four Seas Pokka Premium Coffee.
Title: Four Seas Pokka Premium
Coffee = Andy Hui.
Ad agency: Off-Low-High.
First impression: it features a human vacuum cleaner in the form of Canto-pop singer/actor Andy Hui Chi-on: very bizarre and, therefore, very Japanese.
Idea/storyline: the ad comes in three short instalments (shown at separate times). In the first 15-second clip, you see a mathematical equation, in which Hui, in a white suit, stands next to an 'equals' sign and an animated vacuum cleaner. In the next scene, the singer becomes a vacuum cleaner, sucking up rubbish from an office floor. A warning, 'Do not copy', flashes at the top of the screen. Everyone in the office drinks their canned coffee. The second ad shows a similar equation: Hui, sporting an Afro hairstyle and jumpsuit, 'equals' a safety helmet. The next shot sees Hui sitting on top of someone's head before a huge piece of metal crashes on top of them. Everyone continues drinking their coffee. In the third clip, Hui plays himself - a pop star - in the final equation, in which he is a can of Pokka Premium Coffee. In the next scene, a gang of screaming young girls tries to get into his car. Inside, Hui slowly reaches for a large ring-pull on his stomach and pulls it, opening himself up. The final scene shows him enjoying the coffee.