Sony is targeting fashion-conscious road warriors with its new S-series Vaio notebook computers. Weighing 1.95kg, the VGN-S48GP (black) and VGN-S46GP (silver) notebooks come with all the usual connectivity options, including Bluetooth and wireless LAN, NVIDIA GeForce Go 6200 graphics cards for gaming and video playback, and built-in DVD+RW drive for watching and burning DVDs. For processing power, the VGN-S48GP boasts an Intel Pentium M Processor 760 at 2GHz, while the VGN-S46GP ships with an Intel Pentium M Processor 740 (1.73GHz). Both notebooks have 13.3h WXGA (1280 X 800) TFT colour displays, are pre-installed with Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 (English version) and Multi-language User Interface (pre-installed Traditional Chinese), as well as Sony's exclusive multimedia application software.