Q Is a heliport on the Wan Chai waterfront a good idea?
Wake up Hong Kong and make your voice heard.
We need to strongly oppose the building of a heliport in Wan Chai. Some people seem intent on destroying the beauty of the city at all costs. A heliport would probably be used only by a privileged few, people who live far from the noise-pollution levels this project will create. Why should anyone be allowed to ruin Wan Chai with a noise level equal to that of jack hammers? It truly will be goodbye to Hong Kong as a tourist destination (visit Hong Kong... the noisiest city in Asia!)
No. Let the money men build their heliport somewhere away from residential and office areas. Why should the rest of us have to suffer. We don't want noise barriers erected to mar the harbour view, or floating pontoons, and we certainly don't want further reclamation. Use the Wan Chai ferry terminal as 'an enhanced natural noise barrier'? What about the comfort of the ferry passengers - or is it OK if their hearing is damaged by 95 decibels of noise.
Does Michael Kadoorie or his Hong Kong Regional Heliport Working Group know what it's like to live next to a building site constantly using jack hammers? Perhaps if they experienced it for themselves they would show more empathy for the people of Wan Chai, upon whom they are about to inflict this noise pollution.
If building the heliport on the fringe is meaningless, then by all means shelve it and allow office workers and residents to continue to enjoy living and working in Wan Chai.