Some of the criticism of Now Broadband's botched coverage of the final day of the second Ashes test is a touch unfair. On this occasion they appeared to have been wronged by ESPNStar Sports. I subscribe to the Cricket Channel via HK Cable and was also without pictures of the Ashes that should have been supplied by ESPNStar. The person at ESPNStar who made the decision to show Zimbabwe v New Zealand instead of England v Australia probably had a lot on his mind, though, what with having to oversee 500 'Another Golden Moment at Wimbledon' clips.
Jon Taylor
Happy Valley
I would like to commend the Post on its preview of the World Athletics Championships in last Saturday's edition. This is a major event in the sporting world and deserves attention. As the preview pointed out, 'The competition opens ... with ... an anticipated global television audience of more than four billion viewers'. However, the article was largely academic for us as none of those four billion live in Hong Kong. Yes, our much trumpeted (pay TV) sports channels do not seem to be interested in an event that the rest of the world obviously is. Not a single second of the championships is being shown. So I was not in the least surprised to hear that Now Broadband had failed to show the last day of the second Ashes test. This happens all the time as you have people who don't know sport in charge of sports broadcasting schedules.
Alan Urmston
Tseung Kwan O