Blueberries are a rarity: they're one of the few naturally blue foods. In the wild, blue is usually considered a sign of danger or poison.
What are they? Small, smooth-skinned, round berries. The blue skin is covered with a silvery 'frost'.
Where are they grown? The blueberry plant is native to North America and they're grown in parts of the United States and Canada. Other countries growing blueberries include Australia and Chile.
What do they taste like? The flavour ranges from sweet to sweet-tart. The skin is thin and the interior is juicy and delicately crunchy because of the tiny seeds.
What to look for? The berries should be plump and firm, not shrivelled or mouldy.
How to store: unlike more delicate berries such as strawberries and raspberries, blueberries keep for a fairly long time (about a week) in the fridge.