The column for anyone fed up with bureaucracy, frustrated with delays or furious with poor service. Tell us your complaint and we'll try to fix it ...
A Sai Kung reader writes that her efforts to return a television decoder to Now TV have met with stubborn resistance from PCCW.
'I am temporarily living in a house in Sai Kung with a friend of mine, but we will be leaving at the end of October as the owner is selling and the leaseholder is leaving Hong Kong,' she says.
'Another tenant who lived in the house prior to me has now left Hong Kong and we recently discovered that she left the Now TV decoder in the house. Unfortunately we have no contact details for her. I figured that PCCW would like to get its equipment back, so I called the customer-service hotline about five weeks ago.
'I figured wrong. I have now made three phone calls to their customer-service hotline. These usually last around 10 to 15 minutes.
'I'm invariably put on hold for most of that time and the conclusion is always the same: unless I can provide PCCW with the former subscriber's Hong Kong identity-card number, they are unable to come and remove what is rightfully theirs.