
free to be me

It is important to have a healthy body and mind if you want to get the best results from studying. Make sure you find the right balance and you will do well in your exams

Dear Jaime,

The HKCEE is coming soon and I am very worried because my English is not good enough. I really want to do well in the exam and have tried my best to study, but to make things worse I've been ill for two weeks.

The pressure is growing as the exam approaches. Can you tell me what to do to achieve my goal?


Hi Bobby,

Thanks for your e-mail. It's very important to keep both mind and body healthy. When you are ill, your mind isn't able to think as fast or retain as much information as it normally can. So, how can you rework your schedule so your mind gets enough rest and your body gets some exercise, but you also have time to study? Maybe you could study in 1?-hour sessions with 30-minute breaks in between. Spend 15 minutes running or walking and the other 15 minutes doing something else.

As the exam approaches you will feel more pressure, so it's important to take in the information you are studying and give your mind time to process it.

To get some balance, write out a study/exercise timetable for the week. If you would like to send it in, I will check to see if you have a balanced schedule.

As for English, the more you speak it the more your confidence will grow - so keep practising.


Dear Jaime,

I'm very unhappy today because my mother told me I am not a good sister. She said my younger sister got home late and it was my fault. She asked me why I let her go out and play with strangers. My sister is 13 years old and she doesn't listen to me. What can I do?


Dear Vincy,

The only person you can control is yourself. Your sister is the only one who can control herself, so you can't blame yourself if your sister won't listen to you. Have you told her that your mother expects you to make sure that she is home on time and safe? You might be able to strike an agreement with your sister about coming home with you, or letting your parents know where she is.

Another good idea is to ask your parents to tell your sister what they expect of her. This means that you won't always be under pressure to look after her, because your parents have already told her what they require.

Being the older sister, it will sometimes be expected of you to solve your younger sister's problems or to look after her, but you need to remember that ultimately she will do what she wants and you can't be held responsible.

It's important to always be there for your sister, but it's also important to let your parents know how stressful the situation is for you. This way they can talk to your sister.


Have you got a question for Jaime? E-mail her at [email protected]
