I WAS pleased to read Paul D. Peters' letter (South China Morning Post, November 15) and fully support his sentiments.
I, too, was one of the few at Statue Square at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month and was saddened by the complete and utter lack of any recognition of the occasion.
Perhaps it is more convenient to conduct the services on the nearest Sunday, however, is it really too much to expect that some form of remembrance ceremony, small but dignified, take place and that ''convenience'' takes second place? I noted with some interest that of the few who remembered, most were post-war ''baby boomers'' - brought up, no doubt, with that same sense of honour that Mr Peters has absorbed from a childhood that ensured we must never forget.
We enjoy a world of wealth and pleasures unimagined by those who fought in all the bitter conflicts - three minutes a year seems hardly enough, but if we can remember why not do it properly? ELIZABETH LOFTUS Mid-Levels