THE stockmarket boom is having a flow-on effect through Thailand's property sector, with developers reporting the return of foreign speculators.
Investors from Hong Kong and Singapore, increasingly cool on China's bloated housing market, are finding bargain units in Bangkok and provincial resorts.
''There is a lot more interest than before, because overseas buyers know how the traffic has made condominiums attractive again as an investment,'' said Pradit Chairurttanativech of Pattara Sathorn Company.
Pattara Sathorn has upmarket condominiums in Bangkok's Sathorn district.
''As long as it is the right area, they can't go wrong.'' Real estate agents say falling interest rates and excess stockmarket liquidity from overseas capital have injected new life into the ailing property market.
Almost every sector is over-supplied: about 100,000 condominium units are expected to be completed this year; but there are no buyers for half the existing projects.