PCCW has used its strength in Hong Kong to gain a head start, but it remains to be seen whether others can do the same
At last week's convention of the Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia, PCCW's executive director and chief financial officer Alex Arena was asked what kind of content would drive the firm's pay-television business in the future.
Mr Arena's response - 'Hey, I'm a telecoms man' - drew laughter from the audience as it played to an industry joke that telecommunications companies know nothing about television and content, and especially licensing.
But with about 500,000 subscribers to its NOW Broadband television service, PCCW arguably has proved that content is not the insurmountable barrier to entry it once appeared.
Mr Arena said the key focus for PCCW's content deals was sports, movies and local news. Deals with ESPN, HBO and Star Movies took care of the first two categories; PCCW will launch its own 24-hour financial news channel to take care of the third.
Analysts have used the decision to move into content generation to highlight the risks associated with rolling out IPTV and to illustrate that for many fixed-line operators getting into pay TV was a defensive measure aimed at offsetting falling voice revenues.