
Libido torpedo speaks out

Teri Fitsell

FROM the heights of yesterday's movie Rebel Without a Cause to the lows of today's Out For Justice: that's quite a plummet in just 24 hours. Unsuspecting viewers might be better off accompanying Robin Parke and Lawrence Wadey on their weekly live trip to the Happy Valley races (World 8.30pm) instead.

NOW that her Girlie Show world tour has raised the usual hackles, Madonna's happy again and ready to talk about it. In Girlie Talk (MTV 7pm), the ''libido torpedo'' chats during a stopover in Paris about the controversial tour.

In response to recent predictions of her downfall and criticisms of her outrageous lifestyle, Madonna says: ''Now I don't think that I go around flaunting the fact that I'm rich or have money, but I absolutely do what I want with my life. If I buy a house and I want to paint it pink, that's what I'll do.'' Whew! This lass is a wild one and no mistake.

THE international high-fliers series Tycoons (Pearl 8.30pm) turns to Hong Kong this week to scrutinise visionary property developer Gordon Wu Ying-sheung.

The famed Hopewell Holdings boss has been in the headlines again recently for renewing the promise that he made last year to jump into highly-polluted Victoria Harbour if this Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Zhuhai superhighway was not finished by this September (which it wasn't).

We're waiting, Gordon . . .

THIS sounds familiar: A maverick (is there any other kind?) cop is out to get a long-time adversary and smalltime gangster who's bumped off his best mate. Yes, it's the usual revenge movie storyline straight from Regurgitate-A-Plot Unlimited, and this time being put to particularly violent use in Out For Justice (Pearl 9.30pm, Original Running Time 91 mins).

Said cop is played by Steve Seagal (Marked For Death ) which means that all those limb-cracking, neck-snapping, flesh-slicing sequences are done with particular vigilance - a big plus, or a big minus, depending entirely on your taste for this sort of thuggery.

Seagal's quarry is chief low-life Richie (William Forsythe), whose gang has turned the old Brooklyn neighbourhood into a drug-crazed battle zone. Seagal, according to the synopsis, is ''determined to restore peace to the district'', which he does by wiping out just about all its residents.

FOOD is the thought for Hong Kong Connection (Pearl 7pm) which looks at how eating habits reflect Hong Kong's highly varied culture and its economy.

Metilda Leung compares operators and patrons from traditional food stalls to the choicest restaurants and points out that much of the traditional food served at both is similar, it's the price that's dramatically different. Er, and the surroundings surely? THE Diamond Jubilee Cricket Tournament in India has reached the semi-finals stage. Coverage of the first semi-final between India and South Africa will be shown live (Prime Sports 5pm), introduced by Brian Langley.

The two countries already met once this week in an initial round match which saw India cruise to a comfortable 43-run victory.

The second semi-final of the tournament, marking 100 years of the Bengal Cricket Association, is between the West Indies and Sri Lanka and is also on live tomorrow (Prime Sports 5pm).
