What is it? A digital dog tag for holidaying pooches that allows the storage of large amounts of information about dog and owner. Multiple telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, medical history and contact details are easy to read using a simple scroll mechanism. Weighing only 21g and measuring 36mm across, the E-tag hangs from a dog collar like any normal tag.
Sounds like a shaggy-dog story: not so. Identified as the 'Most innovative product of the year' by no
less a publication than the influential DogFancy magazine, the E-tag is especially useful for travelling pets because the owner's itinerary and contact information can be updated easily. Forty lines of information and 10 characters a line can be stored, ensuring essential details such as 'Fido prefers fillet' will be known. The E-tag has a shock-proof case, stainless-steel backing and scratch-resistant lens; it is also water resistant.
How does it work? Following a simple procedure, information can be entered in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish using two buttons on the E-tag. Graphic symbols assist the process
and simple illustrated instructions are included.
All the information can be scrolled forwards or backwards and a personal identification number prevents stored information being deleted or changed. The result is a high-resolution, back-lit, digital display that can be viewed when either button is pushed.