Set in a make-believe, ancient Japanese society dominated by warring tribes, Across the Nightingale Floor is a story of a boy who is snatched from his life in a remote, peaceful village and finds himself stuck in a world of warlords and rivalry.
In a culture ruled by honour and custom, Takeo, the protagonist, must look deep inside himself to discover the powers that will enable him to achieve his destiny.
Across the Nightingale Floor is a brilliantly constructed story, combining all the qualities of fantasy and myth. Let yourself get lost in Takeo's world!
Good characters, good friends
Have you ever read a book that you could hardly put down? Have you ever felt that you and a character would be friends?
The best thing about well-written characters is that they often experience many of the same joys and struggles that each of us experience in everyday life. Takeo is no exception. Look closely.