THE much-travelled Gints To Win hinted that he may well be poised to return to form with an impressive workout from the barriers at the top of the back straight yesterday morning.
Gints To Win is now with Derek Cruz having started his career with Patrick Biancone, moved to Gary Ng Ting-keung for much of last season, begun this campaign with Bruce Hutchison and then jumped camps to lodge with Cruz.
The gelding has been working encouragingly all this season but didn't seem to handle Happy Valley on his two runs for Hutchison.
The plain fact of the matter is that Gints To Win is not completely genuine but he could be worth one final chance if allowed to race down the straight 1,000-metre course at Sha Tin.
This is the only trip he has won at and he has such a good galloping style that it could bring out the best in him once again.
Yesterday he worked with his new stablemates Allegresse and Total Success and galloped many lengths clear from the barriers.