BRITISH ACTOR Dominic Monaghan is best known for playing the jolly hobbit Merry Brandybuck in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, but the 29-year-old has broken away from his clean-cut image to cut a rugged, stoned appearance as Charlie Pace in Lost. And his latest role as a drug-addicted, fading rock star in the award-winning TV series couldn't be further from reality.
'He tries to be brave, but he's a little scared - he's strong and weak,' Monaghan says, referring to the way his character takes care of pregnant co-star Claire (Emilie de Ravin) on the one hand, but craves drugs on the other.
'He doesn't make the same decisions I would. He doesn't think and act as I would. Charlie doesn't know where's he's heading. It's the character that's least like me.'
Lost, which was created by J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof, premiered in Hong Kong last June. The first episode is about a plane crash on a deserted island, and what follows is a gripping tale of survival.
The series won an Emmy award last year and a Golden Globe last month for best drama series.
The part of Charlie appears tailor-made for Monaghan, although the only similarity between the Manchester-born actor and the character he plays is their love of music. 'I play the guitar and a little piano,' he says. 'I'm not especially gifted in either, but I enjoy the semi-meditative state they take me to.'