AVERAGE SALARIES in Macau do not yet compare with those in Hong Kong, but they are catching up. Alan Chan, general manager of Links Recruitment Macau, said the gap was steadily narrowing, though disparities remained in certain sectors.
He said salary differences were rapidly disappearing in the hospitality industry.
However, a big gap remains in the banking and finance sector, because Macau has never been regarded as a leading international financial centre.
Professionals working in Macau can expect to earn about $15,000 a month, while technical staff and associate professionals can make about $11,500 a month, according to statistics provided by Links Recruitment.
The cost of living is significantly lower than in Hong Kong. For example, monthly rental for a 700 sq ft apartment ranges between $5,000 and $9,000, depending on the location and management fees.
Taxi fares and public transport are also less expensive. The taxi rate in Macau begins at $10, while that in Hong Kong starts at $15. Travelling by bus costs between $4 and $10, compared with a range of $5 to $20 in Hong Kong.