Bouncers MAY go biometric
Going for a pint? First look into the camera. Facial recognition systems - long the scourge of privacy activists - may become a mainstay at bars and clubs in the US, according to a report last week in Wired News. Jeff Dussich, founder of JAD Communications and Security, is marketing a BioBouncer biometric solution complete with a Las Vegas-style database of known troublemakers. BioBouncer costs US$7,500 for the hardware, software and set-up, and US$6,000 a year for support - including access to a networked 'rogues' gallery'. 'The goal is to have an extra set of eyes for club security (and) club management to help them keep out the perpetual troublemakers,' Mr Dussich said.
Bullet train even faster
East Japan Railway has conducted the first real-track test of its new flagship Fastech Shinkansen, which is designed to be the world's fastest bullet train. First announced last year, the Fastech logged 366 km/h on a test run between Sendai station, Miyagi prefecture and Kitakami station in Iwate prefecture. JR East plans to run the train at 360 km/h from 2011 when the Tohoku Shinkansen Line linking Tokyo to Hachinohe is extended to Shin-Aomori station. The Fastech previously recorded a top speed of 398 km/h at JR's test track in Miyazaki. The company reported the car shook when the train exceeded 300 km/h but said the planned top speed remained a 'solid' prospect.
BootS HELP players KEEP their cool
Adidas unveiled its hi-tech +F50 TUNIT football boot in Hong Kong last week, following similar fanfare in other markets last month. The sports apparel company said the football boot's concept was based on letting players customise, adapt and tune their boots to all weather and pitch conditions, and their own style. The boot is constructed from three interchangeable components: the upper, the chassis and the studs. Of most interest to players in Hong Kong's sweaty climes is arguably the ClimaCool material, which the company claims provides a 360-degree cooling effect for the entire foot through its adiHex/mesh upper construction and ventilation cut-outs in the outsole.