A touching act of kindness
Recently, I was on my way to a climbing competition when I lost my purse on the MTR at Tsuen Wan. All my important cards and money were in the purse. I reported my loss to the MTR customer services centre. They said they would let me know if anyone handed the purse in to them.
I went to the competition, but was in no mood to climb. During the competition, an MTR staff member called me and said they had not found my purse.
I got back home about 8pm, worried and annoyed about having to cancel all my cards.
Then the telephone rang. It was a Filipino lady who said she had found my purse! She asked me when I would be free to pick it up. I was excited, relieved
and grateful for the woman's honesty.
Hong Kong is full of kindness. If all of us help each other unselfishly, we will enjoy our lives in this big city.