FORMER residents of the Kowloon Walled City yesterday vowed to remain in makeshift huts on the nearby Tung Tau Housing Estate, despite repeated Government attempts to evict them.
The residents want greater compensation for the loss of their Walled City homes and, to highlight their demands, plan to defy summonses to attend a High Court hearing on Wednesday.
''We are not frightened,'' said one resident, Chan Hee-yuen, 71. ''It is a few days more; we have not thought about [the court order].'' Another resident, Siu Tsang-shing, 73, said: ''If the Government gives us more compensation money, we will leave. In fact, I am ready to leave anytime.'' Mr Siu said that if the Government gave him 80 per cent of what he believed he was entitled to, he would move.
''I used to run a provisions shop, and it's not possible to find another store with the $700,000 compensation offered,'' he said.
Mr Chan said they had not taken ''a penny'' from the Government and were the first group of residents to be evicted from the Walled City.
''We have been living in huts for more than two years now,'' he said.