LEGISLATORS yesterday urged the Government to set up clear guidelines for compensation to remove reluctant families from Rennie's Mill.
Assistant Director of Housing Peter Yip Kui-wan said the Government would soon launch a full scale land survey to estimate the compensation for removing residents.
''The survey will be completed in three months. We will measure the actual using area as demanded by the residents and will need their full co-operation when we conduct the survey,'' said Mr Yip at a meeting of the Legislative Council's lands and works panel.
The Rennie's Mill clearance programme, involving the removal of 1,600 families in the area, has been holding up a plan to build 12,000 public housing flats.
While residents have been refusing to accept the Government's compensation or to move out the area, Mr Yip said the amount of compensation to each household would be based on the findings of the new survey.
The compensation scheme will offer $5,000 per square metre of commercial use. Residential use payments will be determined after the survey.