YOUNG people and retailers are asking Santa Claus for a ''black'' Christmas this year.
One of the most popular gifts under the tree will be Reebok's Black basketball shoes, according to leading retailers, who said the shoes are the season's ''cult'' possession.
Iris Cheung, merchandising manager for Marathon Sports, which has 18 stores throughout Hong Kong, said: ''Reebok Black is the hot item among the youngsters. We see them being a major seller this Christmas.
''Each age group dictates what is popular. With young people, it is the NBA apparel, while the more mature go for more sophisticated items, like Sergio Tacchini tracksuits.'' Sophistication comes at a price with each of the designer tracksuits retailing at more than $1,000. The basketball shoes do not come cheap either, with price tags of $600 to $800 for the Black range and just slightly less for the clothing line.
Has money ever been a problem in Hong Kong when fashion trends are involved, especially at this time of the year? Retailers said it could be this season, as the industry was still waiting for the sales rush to begin.
However, Terry Yu, senior product manager of Mega Stride Division, Inchcape JDH Ltd, agrees with the ''Black'' theory and predicts a sales boom between now and Lunar New Year.