Jennifer Cheng, 16
I have to keep all my books in perfect condition. Even a slight crease in the spine bothers me so much that I feel the need to replace the book. When I read a new book, my mind is more focused on not damaging it than enjoying the content. This is particularly difficult with school textbooks as they wear out over the year; it breaks my heart when I see them ripped or covered in ink blotches.
Steven Lee, 15
Like many people, I struggle to get out of bed. If I have to wake up at 8am, I have to set my clock at 7.30am. Once, I fell back asleep after the alarm went off. When I woke up, it was 10 minutes before the school bell was due to ring. I quickly got dressed and dashed to school without brushing my hair or teeth. I got there late and had to stand in front of the class like an idiot. Since then, I've tried hard to get rid of this bad habit. But so far I've had little success.
Ruby Lin, 17
Avoiding responsibility and being bossy about things I'm not responsible for. This bad habit gets me, and the people around me, into trouble sometimes.