Mainland youngsters just can't get enough of wartime justice
It's 9pm outside a cinema in downtown Beijing's Xidan district and 50 people without tickets are begging the manager to be allowed in to watch a movie re-enactment of the trial of Japanese war criminals. 'Can you please let us in to watch it standing up? We'll pay full price for the ticket and promise not to make any noise,' asks one. 'Would you please arrange an additional screening for us? We can wait, no matter how late it is,' shouts another.
It's rare for a so-called mainstream-ideology work - an officially endorsed vehicle that champions the government line - to attract such interest among the general population, especially the younger generation.
But The Tokyo Trial is different, given the strained relationship between China and Japan in recent years. And against a backdrop of demonstrations against former Japanese prime minister Junichiro Koizumi's repeated visits to the Yasukuni shrine it was always going to be a popular choice.
Branded by its producers as a 'must-see film for every Chinese', it recounts the court appearance of 28 Japanese war criminals at the end of the second world war. Director Gao Qunshu includes two story lines: how Chinese judge Mei Ru'ao swayed opinion on the international panel of 11 judges to secure death penalties for Japan's wartime leaders Hideki Tojo, Kenji Doihara and Koki Hirota; and how one Japanese family suffered because of the war.
The first story is given more importance - marked by Mei's lobbying and his closing speech about why the war criminals should be hanged. The impact of the second is diminished by contrast with the sufferings of the Chinese. Still, the state-run media lauds the film for its plausible balance. 'The movie evokes patriotism and a pursuit of peace, rather than stirring hatred between China and Japan,' Xinhua quoted Shanghai movie critic Mao Shi'an as saying.
However, the reactions of the mostly young cinema-goers suggest that the film does nothing to calm hatred of the Japanese.