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Two terms found on certain cosmetic products, notably mascara and sun creams, but what is the difference? Sun creams labelled 'very water resistant' (according to FDA regulations) mean a product will maintain its SPF level for 80 minutes in water or after perspiring; products labelled 'water resistant' mean the product maintains its SPF level for 40 minutes in water or after perspiring. Since 2002, the FDA has ruled that the word waterproof be eliminated from sunscreen products that fall under its regulations, because all sunscreens are affected by water. You will also see the terms on the packaging of mascara. Waterproof mascara means you can cry your heart out or go for a lunchtime swim and the mascara will (should) stay firmly on lashes. Waterproof mascara can only be removed with a solvent (oil-based) makeup remover. Water resistant mascara means the mascara can withstand small amounts of moisture, like the odd tear or light rainfall. But get caught in a downpour without an umbrella, or unwittingly rub your eyes, and you really will end up with panda eyes. Most mascara is to some extent water resistant, though this may not always be highlighted as a key feature of the product. It is easier to remove than waterproof mascara.
