To reverse the obsession with beauty and make people understand the real meaning of the word, DOVE launched the worldwide 'Campaign for Real Beauty' in 2004.
Besides conducting surveys to know how people in different countries view their appearance, the campaign involves a series of talks and workshops to rectify people's misconceptions about beauty.
'We believe that beauty comes in different shapes, sizes, ages and colours,' said Virginia Chu, Group Product Manager of DOVE Haircare.
DOVE Hong Kong has commissioned the Hong Kong Eating Disorders Association (HKEDA) to conduct workshops in local schools where students are shown how different ages and countries view beauty.
'Local teenagers' definition of beauty is very narrow. We hope that, through the workshops, they realise that beauty is a subjective concept. Instead of appearance, they should understand that what makes them attractive and unique is their ability, personality and self-esteem,' said Mandy Lee, programme officer of HKEDA.