Beijing wants to avoid international outcry, says activist friend
Prominent human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng was yesterday given a light sentence for subversion in a rare show of official tolerance, receiving a three-year jail term, suspended for five years, Xinhua cited a Beijing court statement as saying.
The decision - which supporters said was the result of international pressure - meant Gao, 42, walked home a free man last night, according to Hu Jia , an Aids activist and one of Gao's closest friends.
The self-taught lawyer, who earned his reputation defending rights activists and religious prisoners, will not have to serve any of his sentence unless he is found guilty of another crime in the next five years.
But he will be deprived of his political rights for one year, at the end of the five-year period.
Gao's friends yesterday said they were relieved by the outcome but were worried that he could still be subject to tight government surveillance during the suspended sentence. They were also concerned that Gao may have to make compromises, such as restricting his contact with the press.
Gao was accused of posting nine 'seditious articles', which the Beijing No1 Intermediate People's Court said had defamed the central government and amounted to agitation aimed at toppling it.