A schoolboy took up a seat at the inquest yesterday because he wanted to learn more about the truth with his own eyes and ears.
Kong Ho-ming, a Primary Six student at the Hong Kong University Graduates Association Education Foundation in Chai Wan, was wearing his school uniform and carrying a big school bag on his back when he entered the courtroom at about 3pm.
It was his first day at the inquest. He said he might return next week if his mother let him.
Sitting quietly in the packed courtroom, the 11-year-old boy's face was serious as he listened to detailed descriptions of Leung Shing-yan's multiple wounds by an ambulance medic and a doctor.
'It is the first time that I have come to an inquest,' Ho-ming said outside the court.
However, it was not his first courtroom experience.
'My school took me on a tour into the Kowloon City Court not long ago,' he said.