Star-shaped wound shows weapon was held against head, says forensics expert
Constable Leung Shing-yan who was killed in 2001 suffered a contact shot - where the muzzle is in contact with the body - directly to his head, the Coroner's Court heard yesterday.
Leung Sai-leung, a former senior police forensic firearms examiner, made this conclusion because the wound found on top of his skull was 'star-shaped', caused by the tip of the barrel.
'A star-shaped wound is a typical shape for a contact shot,' Dr Leung said.
As well as his head, Leung was found to have been shot in his back, neck and left shoulder.
Leung was also believed to have touched his revolver at one point - although he did not fire it - before he was shot five times on March 14, 2001, Dr Leung told the coroner.