May 15
'Choosing entrepreneurship - tips for growing a lucrative company' is a new speaker series organised by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce that brings together past, present and future entrepreneurs to share their experiences and challenges in starting and operating their own businesses in Hong Kong. The speaker will share her wealth of experience and career path, as well as talk about the different stages of developing a lucrative business.
Speaker Elizabeth Thompson, president and founder of ICS Trust.
Inquiries 2110 8700
May 16
'IRD extends their scope of tax audit, are you at risk?' is a breakfast seminar organised by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with PricewaterhouseCoopers. The seminar will discuss the recent move by the Inland Revenue Department to extend its scope of auditing to review companies in a group and their offshore arrangements. A tax expert will share his insight on this recent development in tax auditing on offshore arrangements.