Is the Bible indecent? HK officials have 208 complaints saying it is
The Bible became a target of indecency complaints yesterday after an anonymous website launched a campaign asking people to put pressure on the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority to reclassify the holy text as an indecent publication.
Tela confirmed yesterday it had received 208 complaints, more than double the number of complaints it received over the past week about the Chinese University Student Press, which resulted in two issues being classified by the Obscene Articles Tribunal as indecent on Monday.
It was not clear how many of the complaints were prompted by the website, which is highly critical of the Christian scriptures.
The website runs under a bilingual banner in red, stating: 'Legal disclaimer warning: this website contains biblical material, which may offend and may not be distributed, circulated, sold, hired, given, lent, shown, played or projected to a person under the age of 18 years.'
The suggested complaint letter contained on the site makes specific reference to the student journal's controversial sex survey.