
Marilyn Monroe

1 If Marilyn Monroe were alive, which birthday would she be celebrating on Friday?

2 Which item of Monroe memorabilia sold for US$1,267,500 at a Christie's auction in New York in 1999?

3 Which film was the last completed by both Monroe and Clark Gable?

4 Under what name was Monroe born?

5 In which film is the iconic scene that sees Monroe's dress blow upwards as she stands on an air vent?

6 Which 1973 Elton John song was written about Monroe?

7 The tiles on the doorstep of Monroe's last home bore the motto 'cursum perficio'. What does this Latin phrase mean?

8 Monroe graced the cover of which famous magazine's first issue in December 1953?

9 Which playwright, the author of Death of a Salesman, was Monroe's third husband?

10 Which famous womaniser purchased the crypt beside Monroe's in the Westwood Cemetery in Los Angeles?

Solution: 1 Her 81st 2 The dress in which she sang Happy Birthday Mr President to John F. Kennedy in 1962 3 The Misfits 4 Norma Jeane Mortenson 5 The Seven Year Itch 6 Candle in the Wind 7 My journey is over 8 Playboy 9 Arthur Miller 10 Hugh Hefner.
