
Vox Pop

Grace Wu

Every worker will agree that the art of getting along with colleagues is as challenging as the job itself. If you can manage it tactfully, you will definitely make a difference to your work. People from different professions tell Classified Post how much they socialise with colleagues and suggest ways to boost better relationships.

'I get on well with people at work but do not meet them much outside office hours. One time, my colleagues came to visit my new house when I just got married. I think it was nice. To me, relationships with colleagues should be built on respect. Our attitudes are equally important.' Karen Chow, training

'In my office, the relationship among colleagues is good. We share lots of jokes and talk about our lives together. But I have never had any gatherings with them after work because they are all married and have to take care of their family.' Florence Wu, manufacturing

'I knew the people at my workplace before I joined it, so I find it easy working with them. I even share the same interest with one colleague and that is drama. We watch shows together when something new hits the stage. To maintain happy relationships with colleagues, we should never be calculating. Instead, we should be ready to offer help to one another, share the same goals and feel free to bring up any problems that arise.' Desmond Tsim, design

'Colleagues can either be those who just work with you from nine to five or people who keep friendships with you outside the office. In Hong Kong, long working hours offer plenty of opportunities for us to build friendships with colleagues. In my leisure time, I watch movies or sing karaoke with them. I suggest people should be open to other colleagues' opinions. In my industry it is very rare for us to compete for a higher-ranking post or better salary. So relationships are peaceful.' Kary Li, television
