CHRIS Patten has begun to turn his attention to Hong Kong's traffic problem. I work in Central, and as a pedestrian it comes not a moment too soon.
In such a space-starved city it is obvious our streets are not being used very economically. At lunchtime, in particular, pedestrians must suffer footpaths well past carrying capacity whilst the accompanying road, perhaps comprising 10 times the surface area, carries but a small fraction of users.
This results inevitably in people spilling on to the streets causing potential danger and further congestion, not to mention further strain on drivers' nerves. An inspection of the sleek and shiny cars in Central district would suggest that any financial penalties introduced would have to be hefty indeed to influence their owners' behaviour.
Instead it may be sensible to prohibit private vehicles during the hours of 12.45pm - 2.15pm. The advantages would be immeasurable: less congestion; less pollution; less danger, etc. Disadvantages: upsetting a small group's self-importance. Grasp the nettle Mr Patten.