We must save fish for future generations
We refer to the correspondence regarding the issue of CLP Power constructing a terminal at the Soko Islands.
First, WWF supports the use of liquefied natural gas as the cleanest fossil fuel presently available.
WWF opposes the location at the Soko Islands because they are a known fishery spawning and nursery area. No one has the right to destroy one habitat to remedy destruction in another. One writer has stated that man has the right to shape the environment to meet his needs. There is a difference between shaping and destroying our planet. What about the livelihoods of present-day Hong Kong fishermen? We also have an obligation to future generations to ensure that they inherit a viable planet to support their lives, in particular an adequate supply of fish.
The supply of gas to Hong Kong does not depend on the location of the terminal. Regardless of the location, the gas must be purchased from external sources such as Indonesia or Australia.
The terminal is strictly a warehouse. It has been implied that our position smacks of the 'not in my backyard' syndrome. WWF is concerned about the environment as a whole and cannot ignore potential damage to the marine environment in an effort to clean up the air.
We are focused on both improving the air quality and establishing sustainable fishery management. Common sense must prevail.