Where Amnesty stands on abortion issue
In her letter ('Mass killings go on unchecked,' June 12), Rosa Chan said that while Amnesty International was doing a good job, it overlooked the rights of millions of human lives lost each year through abortion.
We would like to clarify our policy on sexual and reproductive rights. We have an ongoing campaign to stop violence against women and to ensure women and men can exercise their sexual and reproductive rights free from coercion, discrimination and violence. It is also a response to the suffering and to the human rights violations caused by abuses of these rights which Amnesty InternationaI, as a human rights organisation, cannot remain silent or blind to.
We recognise the right of states to impose reasonable limitations on access to abortion services. But we call for access to quality services for management of complications arising from abortion. States must provide access to legal and safe abortion in the case of an unwanted pregnancy as a result of rape, or incest, or if the pregnancy poses a grave risk to the woman. We want comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services for women and men, so they can get adequate information. We recognise that such information can help prevent unwanted pregnancies and abortions.
Since the launch of our Stop Violence Against Women campaign in 2004, we have exposed terrible injustices including rape and incest and sexual violence as a weapon of armed conflict and other forms of sexual violence that result in unwanted pregnancies.
These abuses are widespread. We support women who wish to end unwanted pregnancies resulting from sexual violence by pressing for the option of safe, accessible abortion to be made available and support women who seek treatment for complications.
We likewise oppose the criminalisation of abortion to ensure women are not sent to prison for seeking or having abortions. Amnesty International's work focuses on situations in which the threats to women are real.