The wholesale price of live pigs has risen slightly due to a shortage in the supply from the mainland, but there are no plans to increase the retail price.
The supply of live pigs has dwindled to a trickle. There were none for sale in two abattoirs in the New Territories yesterday morning.
Pork traders had to wait until 3pm to bid for the 3,600 live pigs - a 20 per cent to 30 per cent drop in supply compared to 10 days ago.
The shortage has led Ng Fung Hong, which holds the city's monopoly on imports of live pigs, to impose a quota system under which each trader is allowed to buy only 70 per cent of their usual amount.
At the Tsuen Wan abattoir, yesterday's bidding took less than 30 minutes, despite traders having to pay more for each pig.
Hui Wai-kin, vice-president of the Hong Kong Pork Traders General Association, said the wholesale price of live pigs had gone up by about 12 per cent since May, to an average of HK$1,120 per 100 catties.