Will Harry Potter die? Is Snape a friend or foe? Will Professor Dumbledore continue to guide Harry after his death? Will Voldemort be defeated and the wizard world become peaceful once more?
With only six days until Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows arrives in bookshops, 10-year-old Kira Morris has reread Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince to ensure she will be able to follow the plots and quests in the new book.
'Harry Potter will die. It is the best way to end the series. It would be a grand ending if he sacrificed himself and killed Voldemort for the sake of justice and peace in the wizard world,' explained Kira, who is starting Year Six at Kennedy School next term.
Kira's friend Sakina Abidi agrees.
'Harry's death would definitely add spice to the end of the saga, so I think Rowling will let him die,' said Sakina, 10, who expects to take two or three days to finish the book.
Harry Potter fever has struck again, with fans all over the world counting down to the big day. Local bookshops have had a positive response to their pre-sale offers, and the number of advance orders increases daily. Some stores are planning parties to celebrate the launch.