

Danyll Wills

I travel a lot and always carry several devices, including one mobile phone for Hong Kong and one for the mainland, and a Blackberry. I can divert my Hong Kong number to my mainland number and get calls without any problem but my text messages are not forwarded. Why is that? Also, I understand there are lots of commands for GSM phones. Can you tell me what they are?

Name and address supplied

DQ: Until recently, my answer would have been you can't do it. But in late March, mobile network operator 3 Hong Kong announced it would offer the text service you mention. The details are here:
As for GSM 'commands' (aka 'codes'), there is a list of them at this site:

I get about 150 junk e-mails a week on my Mac using my Netvigator account. I'm told Netvigator doesn't provide a filter for Macs. Is this true? What can I do about it?

Valerie, Central

DQ: First off, Netvigator does support the Mac platform. Although many Mac owners find it frustrating dealing with companies that do not believe anybody uses a Mac, in this case Netvigator offers a service that runs at the server end and therefore has nothing to do with how you access your e-mail. That's the good news.

The bad news is that Netvigator wants you to pay for the extra service. My advice would be to try and stop it yourself first. If you are using Apple Mail or Microsoft's Entourage, you have the ability to filter your e-mail and stop much of the spam. Most of these programs need a little time to 'understand' what they are doing.

Ultimately, what will cause concern is not so much the spam that gets through but the real e-mails that do not. This can become a serious problem if the technology you are using is not good. Try setting it up yourself and see if it helps. It can take a few days before it starts working well. If it does not work, your next approach should be Netvigator's MailGuard or MailGuard Plus.

You can subscribe via this site:

The last time I checked, prices started at around HK$22 a month.
