Take responsibility for your life
People are able to enjoy a very high standard of living which includes all kinds of material comforts. However, this comfortable upbringing isn't breeding a generation of happy teenagers.
According to a recent survey, there is an increasing trend in the number of young criminals. Moreover, unemployment, violent crimes and suicide have become the major youth problems in Hong Kong.
Many people blame
parents and society for this behaviour. Broken families, work-obsessed parents, an unhealthy media and the competitive and stressful education system are regarded as the main factors.
I agree that a lack of parental love is the primary cause of youth crime. Being curious and rebellious, teenagers are not mature enough to define what is right and what is wrong. Therefore, parents are the best advisers and the role models for teenagers.
However, if there is no family support and a lack of emotional and spiritual guidance, teenagers will easily do the wrong things, ruining their futures.