It's like an endless game of four-dimensional chess, with the internet being the 'board', the security firms and cyber criminals the white and the black pieces - knight takes rook, bishop blocks knight and so on - and your company among the pawns.
It's a game no one will win. The good guys can only react to the hackers' next attack and are only as good as their last move - and sooner or later your pawn will be moved forward, Harry Potter-style, into danger.
Alec Yu, Blue Coat managing director, Greater China sales, said the consequences if you weren't protected were 'tangible and intangible'.
'They're tangible in terms of lost business at so many hours worth X dollars. On the intangible side, you're definitely blemished and the confidence of your customers will be damaged,' Mr Yu said.
Blue Coat clients include some of the world's largest financial institutions, manufacturing organisations and government agencies, and claims that 93 of the Fortune Global 100 companies depend on its award-winning appliances for Secure Web Gateway or WAN Application Delivery.
One of its most impressive features is a real-time filter which can look at unrated pages and attempt to assign categories to them in real-time, called Dynamic Real-Time Rating (DRTR).