Mainland students are the world's most mobile with more going abroad to obtain university degrees than those from any other country, a new study has found.
Nearly 320,000 mainland students went overseas for higher education studies in 2005 and the number is predicted to more than double to 645,000 within 20 years.
A report of the study says that although students from India come second in terms of global mobility, they lag well behind the huge crowd from the mainland with less than 130,000 studying abroad in 2005.
By 2025, when India is expected to overtake China as the most populous nation on earth, only 302,000 Indian students are likely to be going outside the country to enrol at university.
The report of the study, carried out by researchers at Australia's main student recruiting agency IDP Education, says lack of university places in their home countries is the main factor causing students to go abroad.
But other elements include opportunities for skilled migration, perceptions of improved employment and career prospects for foreign graduates and beliefs about better quality education.