Macau, Asia's casino town, isn't everyone's cup of tea, just as Las Vegas is not all things to all people. It is not very different from Disney theme parks. Despite its fame, there are plenty of people who have not rushed there. This is why Hong Kong officials don't have to be so nervous about competition from its neighbour.
That is not to downplay Macau's rapid development and success. After all, Macau was always a gambling town. It's just that now it is on a much larger scale. With China's economic liberalisation, many more people are allowed to travel outside the country, and even gamble, which has enabled Macau to expand its casino facilities with US investments.
As a result, copies of Las Vegas-style gaming establishments have sprung up; enormous in scale, loud in style and unseen in Asia until now. Today, people who like to gamble have a lot of choice in Macau, and they will have even more choice in the future, as more casinos and hotels are built.
As with Las Vegas, part of the business is to attract shows and conventions. For those of us - the vast majority - who do not gamble, there is really nothing to get us into the casinos except curiosity, which is usually satisfied after one visit.
Nevertheless, we may still go to Macau to watch a special show, dine in one of the many restaurants, and to spend a night there. This adds, not subtracts, to the attraction of living in Hong Kong. In just the past fortnight, Macau has hosted a famous international singer, and a convention of mobile-phone service operators.
While government officials lament the competition from Macau, they might start by examining what Hong Kong is doing and should do. Hong Kong also plays host to many entertainment shows and conventions.
Much of the convention and exhibition business in Hong Kong is controlled by the Trade Development Council (TDC), a public-sector body. It operates the Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai and organises trade shows.