
Don't forget your bills

Sophie Paine

You have just earned your first salary. Great! You spent most of it on equipment you needed to buy for a long time. But today, there is an unexpected envelope in your letter box: your phone bill.

Oh dear ... you had forgotten about it! And there will be other utilities bills coming: electricity, gas, water ...

Some bills are even easier to forget: the ones which are paid only once a year, like the insurance, for example. How do you make sure you won't forget next time? The first way is to calculate your available income. List all your bills, whether paid monthly, quarterly or yearly, and your vital expenses (food, transport). Evaluate how much you usually pay for each of them and then add up. Subtract the estimated sum of the bills and vital expenses from your income - then you get your available income.

Instead of keeping in mind how much you earn, keep in mind how much is available to you. That way, you will automatically keep enough money for your bills.

Are you serious about saving? Great! Then deduct from your available income the amount you have decided to save every month.

Another way is to draw up a budget: you anticipate your income and expenses on paper, allocate your income according to your goals, then follow your budget!
