Teenagers from a deprived new town are dreaming of a career in the arts after a Christmas treat - a show at the Cultural Centre and a tour backstage at the Academy for Performing Arts.
'I want to study more about drama. There are not many chances for us to see drama in Tin Shui Wai or anything about drama production. I feel so happy, as I have a chance to see what happens backstage,' said Form One student Cheung Tsz-ying.
Another who joined the tour yesterday, Tse Chung-yin, said afterwards he had been inspired to major in drama at university.
'I am so happy that I can visit the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and check out what the backstage is like,' the 13-year-old said.
About 100 students took part in the tour, organised by the Chung Ying Theatre Company. They visited the academy in Wan Chai and learned about the technical side of theatre, with demonstrations of lighting and sound systems. They also watched a performance by the Chung Ying company of French playwright Edmond Rostand's famous drama Cyrano de Bergerac at the Cultural Centre in Tsim Sha Tsui.
A further 100 students from Tin Shui Wai will join the tour today.
Tsz-ying said: 'I could not sleep last night, I felt so excited about this trip. I can only come to Hong Kong Island and Kowloon when my parents take me out.