Ex-Peregriners party may find them mulling 'what if?'
If only it were still intact, its name probably would soar above Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley in the China league table.
If its co-founder, also known as the 'father of red chips', still were commanding his troops from New World Tower, he would be advising on the fortunes of some of the mainland's top state-owned enterprises.
And forget about UBS, or CLSA; they wouldn't have been able to dominate the Asiamoney poll for the past few years.
Time flies! Next week will mark the 10th anniversary of the demise of one of Asia's most aggressive financial houses, Peregrine, which fell at the onset of the Asian financial crisis.
More than 40 former Peregriners are getting together on Wednesday at Wan Chai's Asiana Restaurant for a big reunion, followed by drinks in Lan Kwai Fong the following day.