A POLICEWOMAN convicted of three traffic offences had brought disgrace upon the police force, a magistrate said yesterday.
Magistrate Polly Lo, fining Ma Wai-kuen $10,000 in Western Court over offences on the night of a fatal traffic accident, said Ma should have reported, rather than participated in, a joy-riding incident.
Ma, 25, attached to the Wan Chai Division of the police force, pleaded guilty to traffic summonses of travelling on a police motorcycle without wearing a crash helmet, driving without a licence for a government vehicle, and driving without third party insurance.
''You, being a woman police constable, should be well aware that it was wrong for you to travel on a police motorbike while your colleague was on duty, not to say without wearing a crash helmet,'' Ms Lo said.
The magistrate also ordered that Ma's driving licence be suspended for two years.
Ma was not represented by legal counsel.