IT was a fun day for the children of Sam Shui Primary School in Tai Po, who were given a chance to take part in a variety of sports activities.
Exercises in rowing and gymnastics, video and glove puppet shows, gifts, and a treat of Kraft cheese gave children a really unforgettable day.
The programme was part of a comprehensive public education campaign called SportSpeak, one of the five components of the Hong Kong Telecom Go!Sport Programme organised by the Hong Kong Sports Development Board.
The campaign is aimed at promoting children's interest in sports through activities such as talks, seminars and exhibitions, in an attempt to reinforce the message that sport should be an integral part of children's development.
The cold winter morning saw children hesitating when they were first approached by representatives of the Hong Kong Amateur Rowing Association and the Hong Kong Amateur Gymnastic Association. But soon they were completely involved in the activities.
Clapping and laughter continued until the session ended.