Quake shows need for reform in rural areas
I refer to the report ('HK-funded schools escape the devastation', May 21). China must be complimented for its openness to the world media in the reporting of the recent earthquake in Sichuan .
Openness will reveal many problems. But these are problems that the government can handle once they have been identified.
News reports show that buildings in Chengdu and other major cities were hardly affected by the quake. This is a great achievement on the part of the building controls in big cities.
It is an endorsement of the success of the central government's relentless efforts against corruption.
Building controls in the counties, by comparison, show a strong need for improvement.
Why did so many old multi-storey buildings stand while new multi-storey buildings were reduced to a heap of rubble? Who built the schools and who was responsible for building controls? We must ask why some buildings did not have the necessary steel bars. Economic progress in China is impressive. Political reform must follow.